AAPS, The Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

AAPS, Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

Business Office: 96 East 700 South, Logan, UT 84321-5555, Phone: 435-744-3428

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The William H. Mason Award

The William H. Mason Award will be awarded to an individual AAPS member or business that has made a significant donation(s) or contribution(s) to a scientific institution or finds a special way to help their fellow man. For several decades, William "Bill" Mason has gone out of his way to help individuals, business and institutions and AAPS believes that we should honor Bill with the creation of an award that emulates the compassion, generosity and unselfishness that he has shown others in the world of natural sciences. Letters of support of nominees and any other forms of support must be submitted by December 1st to be considered for the following year. The Recipient chosen by the AAPS Board will receive a plaque from AAPS that states "For unselfishness, caring and helping our fellow man". Please go out of your way to show kindness, even if it is not rewarded or acknowledged.

The membership of AAPS is asked to place names of future nominees for the William H. Mason Award before the board of directors for consideration.

Nominations should be submitted by November 1st, to: Neal Larson, Scholarship and Grant Chairperson, ammoniteguy@gmail.com.


Jane Murray2019PaleoTools Inc.

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Supporting Paleontology through ethical Commerce, Education and Cooperation
Last Updated: October 21, 2024
Copyright © 1995-2024 Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences