AAPS, The Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

AAPS, Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

Business Office: 96 East 700 South, Logan, UT 84321-5555, Phone: 435-744-3428

AAPS Scholarships

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Each year, the AAPS offers two $1,000.00 scholarships to graduate level students in paleontology attending universities worldwide. The two scholarships are given in the names of the James R. Welch Scholarship (for studies in macro invertebrate fossils), and the Charles Sternberg Scholarship (for studies in macro vertebrate fossils). These scholarships are awarded by the Board of Directors with majority vote of the membership.

The deadline for submitting applications for either of these scholarships is November 1st, to be considered for the following year's award.

James R. Welch Scholarship - The James R. Welch Scholarship was created in 1990 in honor of James Welch, of Montana Geological Materials, from Billings, Montana, who died of a heart attack while collecting fossils at Glass Mountain, in the Permian of Texas. This scholarship is meant to assist graduate level students doing research in macro invertebrate fossils.

Charles H. Sternberg Scholarship - The Charles H. Sternberg Scholarship was created in 1992 in honor of Charles Sternberg, the patriarch of the Sternberg family of commercial fossil collectors during the late 1800s and early 1900s, who collected many fossil specimens seen in museums around the world. This scholarship is meant to assist graduate level students doing research in macro vertebrate fossils.

The Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences, AAPS, is a public charity under IRS section 501(c)(3). As such it is tax exempt for income tax purposes and is permitted to receive tax deductible gifts pursuant to the Internal Revenue Service. It is also able to receive tax deductible bequests for Estate Tax purposes. Donations to any of our scholarships and Grants are totally tax deductible here in the United States. 100% of all Scholarship and Grant donations are used for those purposes only.

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Last Updated: October 21, 2024
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