AAPS, The Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

AAPS, Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

Business Office: 96 East 700 South, Logan, UT 84321-5555, Phone: 435-744-3428

AAPS Photo Scale

AAPS Advocate
Business Members
Code of Ethics
Fossil Dealers Guide
Fossil Ivory Ban Info
Fossil Laws
Fossil Theft Alerts
History of AAPS
Membership Application
Members Memorial
Photo Scale
President's Message
Press Releases
Sample Collecting Contract
Sample Newsletter

The AAPS Photo Scales were developed to add perspective and scale to any image of fossils, big or small. AAPS offers a scale that incorporates inch, centimeter, millimeter, and grain scales in one device. The 6 inch / 15 cm scale is printed on heavy card stock, then heavily laminated. The lamination allows writing on the front with either a grease pencil or marker. There is room to write a field, catalog or accession number for referance.

New Laminated AAPS Photo Scale

Our Photo Scales are available for $4.95 each, but one will be sent to each new member who submits a membership application. You can also obtain one by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to the AAPS office.

AAPS Photo Scale with a Cockerellites liops fossil Fish

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Supporting Paleontology through ethical Commerce, Education and Cooperation
Last Updated: July 26, 2024
Copyright © 1995-2024 Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences