AAPS, The Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

AAPS, Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences

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Nelson Ralph Maniscalco
June 11, 1949 - April 30, 2021

Nelson Ralph Maniscalco

Nelson Ralph Maniscalco, 71, of Slatington, passed away peacefully, Friday, April 30, 2021 in his home, surrounded by his loving family. He was the husband of Kimberly Anne (Parquette) Maniscalco to whom he was married 33 years. Born in Philadelphia, June 11, 1949, Nelson was the son of the late Nelson Maniscalco, Sr. and Michalina (Cairo) Maniscalco. He was an internationally recognized artist and sculptor, as well as a Professor of Art at Cedar Crest College for 47 years.

For some time, Maxilla & Mandible in New York offered Nelson's wonderful dinosaur art sculptures made of cold-cast bronze, they are robust, and Nelson's work has a wonderful sense of movement and dynamism. As Brant Bassam stated, "the skeletons seem to float in midair." Each is beautifully detailed and accurate, truly a museum exhibit in miniature. His bronzes are well known to most members of the AAPS and dinosaur enthusiasts.

Nelson was a generous artist, and for a number of years, produced the blanks for our Sternberg medals at his studio at Cedar crest Collage in Pennsylvania. Though well known for decades, he became an associate member of the AAPS in 2004.

editing by George F. Winters

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Last Updated: July 26, 2024
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